Thursday, December 29, 2011

Back to work ...

Yes.  With the holidays over and the boys headed back to their mom's house soon, I will once again get out my easel and start painting and drawing.  It was a well-needed break from forcing myself into the work, but now I need to jump back in.  As the start of 2012 rolls in, I need to renew my memberships with various organizations.  I will continue with the local group (NAA) and the national (PAA), but am cutting off the PWCS.  I get nothing from them.  Their shows and meetings are too far away for me to bother with.  Even though the PAA is in New York, its a prestigious group that selected me.  I may also join the Capital City Arts Initiative here in Nevada, as they really push for local artists to get into shows and galleries. 

But really ... I have to take on less pressure.  Fewer personal deadlines and ignoring judgmental critiques that weren't warranted anyway.  Life is far too short to paint anything other than what one enjoys.  If others don't like it ... PFFT!

Let's make it a peaceful and joyful 2012!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! Create what YOU want to create. Excellent motto.

    Happy New Year!
