Saturday, April 16, 2011

Framing Costs ...

Wow.  Frames and framing supplies sure have gotten high since I last did these shows.  I'm going to have to start building my own frames for some of my pieces.  This last show cost me $90 in supplies alone.  Maybe I'll find a few at yard sales or thrift stores.  Anything not behind glass is going to be easier to throw together, but my pastels and watercolors may have to wait until the juried shows come around.  The chance at prize money and/or selling is a far greater incentive to spend a few bucks.

I just have no cash at the moment.  The era of the Starving Artist has returned.  Long live the Starving Artist!

1 comment:

  1. Yup, framing supplies can be costly but it always pays off to shop around for the best quality at the cheapest price.
